کل واکنشهای عنصر لیتیم
An alkali metal. A silvery-white. The easiest of the metals, soft, low melting. Reactive, air-oxide-nitride coated film. Ignited at a moderate heat, stains flame of a gas burner in a dark-red color. A strong reducing agent, reacts with water, acids, non-metals, ammonia.
Molar mass | g/mol | 6.941 |
Density | g/cm3 | 0.534 |
Melting point | °C | 180.5 |
Boiling point | °C | 1336.6 |
Obtaining Lithium:
2LiH = 2Li + H2 (450°C).
2LiH (liquid) → Electrolysis → 2Li(on cathode) + H2↑(on anode).
2Li2O + Si = 4Li + SiO2 (1000°C).
Li2O + Mg = 2Li + MgO (t> 800°C).
3Li2O + 2Al = 6Li + Al2O3 (t> 1000°C).
2LiCl(liquid) → Electrolysis 2Li(on cathode) + Cl2↑(on anode).
2LiCl(melt) (on Hg-cathode) → Electrolysis → 2Li(on cathode) + Cl2↑(on anode).
2Li3N = 6Li + N2 (300-500°C, vacuum).
Reactions with Lithium:
2Li + 2H2O = 2LiOH + H2↑.
2Li + 2HCl(conc.) = 2LiCl + H2↑.
2Li + 3H2SO4(conc.) = 2LiHSO4 + SO2↑ + 2H2O.
3Li + 4HNO3(dilute) = 3LiNO3 + NO↑ + 2H2O.
2Li + H2 = 2LiH (500-700°C).
2Li + E2 = 2LiE (normal temp., E = F, Cl, Br; t>200°C, E = I).
4Li + O2 = 2Li2O (t>200°C, impurity Li2O2)
2Li + S = Li2S (t>130° C)
6Li + N2(moist) = 2Li3N (normal temp.)
6Li + N2 = 2Li3N (200-250°C, pressure)
2Li + 2C = Li2C2 (t>200°C, vacuum)
4Li + Si = Li4Si (600-700°C, impurity Li2Si)
2Li + 2NH3 = 2LiNH2 + H2 (220°C)
2Li + NH3 = Li2NH + H2 (400°C)
Li + 4NH3 (liquid) = [Li(NH3)4]0 (blue) [-40°C]
[Li(NH3)4]0 + nNH3(liquid) ↔ [Li(NH3)4]+ + e- + nNH3.
White, hygroscopic, refractory, when heated, does not decompose. Behaves as a typical oxide, reacts vigorously with water (formed alkaline solution), acids, metals, acid oxides, absorbs CO2 from the air.
Obtaining Lithium oxide Li2O:
4Li + O2 = 2Li2O (t> 200°C, impurity Li2O2)
2LiOH = Li2O + H2O (800-1000°C, in the atm. of H2).
Li2CO3 = Li2O + CO2 (730-1270°C).
Li2CO3 + C(coke) = Li2O + 2CO (800°C).
4LiNO3 = 2Li2O + 4NO2 + O2 (475-650°C).
Reactions with Lithium oxide Li2O:
Li2O + H2O = 2LiOH.
Li2O + 2HCl (delute) = 2LiCl + H2O.
Li2O + H2S = Li2S + H2O (900-1000°C).
2Li2O + Si = 4Li + SiO2 (1000°C).
Li2O + Mg = 2Li + MgO (t>800°C).
3Li2O + 2Al = 6Li + Al2O3 (t>1000°C).
Li2O + CO2 = Li2CO3 (500-600°C).
2Li2O + SiO2 = Li4Si04 (1000°C),
Li2O + SiO2 = Li2SiO3 (1200-1300°C).
White, when heated decomposes without melting. Fully hydrolyzed by water, reacts with acids. Vigorously absorbs CO2 from the air.
Obtaining Lithium peroxide Li2O2:
2 LiOH + H2O + 2 H2O2 (hot) = Li2O2-H2O2-3H2O↓ (in ethanol),
Li2O2-H2O2-3H2O = Li2O2 + H2O2 + 3 H2O (over P4O10, vacuum).
Reactions with lithium peroxide Li2O2:
2 Li2O2 = 2Li2O + O2 (200—400° C).
Li2O2-H2O = Li2O2 + H2O (t> 0° C).
Li2O2 + 2 H2O (cold) = 2 LiOH + H2O2
2 Li2O2 + 2 H2O (hot) = 4 LiOH + O2↑.
Li2O2 + 2 HCl (dilute, cold) = 2 LiCl + H2O2,
2 Li2O2 + 2 H2SO4 (dilute,hot.) = 2Li2SO4 + 2H2O + O2↑.
2 Li2O2 + 2 CO2 = 2 Li2CO3 + O2 (t>200° C),
Li2O2 + CO = Li2CO3 (40—70° C).
White, melts without decomposition, further heating is decomposed in an atmosphere of H2. It is readily soluble in water. Exhibits the properties of the basic hydroxide (alkali), reacts with acids, acid oxides, absorbs CO2 from the air.
Molar mass | g/mol | 23.95 |
Density | g/cm3 | 1.46 |
Melting point | °C | 471 |
Obtaining lithium hydroxide LiOH:
2 Li + 2 H2O = 2 LiOH + H2↑.
LiH + H2O = LiOH + H2↑.
2 LiH + O2 = 2 LiOH (t> 500°C).
Li2O + H2O = 2 LiOH.
Li2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 = 2 LiOH + CaCO3 (to 600°C).
Li2SO4 + Ba(OH)2 = BaSO4 ↓ + 2LiOH.
2 LiCl + 2 H2O → Electrolysis 2 LiOH + H2↑ (cathode) + Cl2 (anode).
Reactions with lithium hydroxide LiOH:
2 LiOH = Li2O + H2O (800-1000°C, in the atm. H2).
LiOH-H2O = LiOH + H2O (500°C, in the atm. H2).
LiOH (dilute) + 4 H2O = [Li(H2O)4]+ + OH-.
LiOH + HCl (dilute.) = LiCl + H2O.
2 LiOH (conc.) + CO2 = Li2CO3 ↓ + H2O (norm. temp).
4 LiOH (dilute) + SiO2 (solid) ↔ Li4SiO4 (solution) + 2H2O (norm. temp).
2 LiOH (saturated) + SO2 = Li2SO3 + H2O.
2 LiOH + H2O + 2H2O2 (hot) = Li2O2-H2O2-3H2O↓ (in ethanol),
Li2O2-H2O2-3H2O = Li2O2 + H2O2 + 3H2O (over P4O10, vacuum).
2 LiOH (cold) + Cl2 = LiClO + LiCl + H2O,
6 LiOH (cold) + 3 Cl2 = LiClO3 + 5 LiCl + 3H2O.
Properties of lithium carbonate:
White, calcination decomposes above the melting point. Moderately soluble in cold water, less in hot water. Crystalline hydrates are not. Reacts with acids, metals and non-metals, their oxides.
Molar mass | g/mol | 73.89 |
Density | g/cm3 | 2.11 |
Melting point | °C | 618 |
Obtaining Lithium carbonate Li2CO3:
Li2O + CO2 = Li2CO3 (500-600°C).
2LiOH (conc.) + CO2 = Li2CO3↓ + H2O (normal temp.).
Li2SO4 (conc.) + Na2CO3 = Li2CO3↓ + Na2SO4 (boiling).
Reactions with Lithium carbonate Li2CO3:
Li2CO3 = Li2O + CO2 (730-1270°C).
Li2CO3 + 2 HCl (dilute)= 2LiCl+CO2↑ +H2O.
Li2CO3 + C(coke)= Li2O + 2CO (800°C).
Li2CO3 + Mg = 2Li + MgO + CO2 (500°C).
Li2CO3 (solid) + H2O + CO2 → 2LiHCO3 (solution)
2Li2CO3 +SiO2 = Li4SiO4 + 2CO2 (800-1000°C).
Li2CO3 + 4 B(OH)3 = Li2B4O7 + CO2 + 6H2O (600°C).
Li2CO3 + Al2O3 = 2LiAlO2 + CO2 (800-900°C).
Li2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 = 2LiOH + CaCO3 (to 600°C).
4Li2CO3 + 2Cr2O3 + 3O2 = 4 Li2CrO4 + 4 CO2 (600-700°C).
Properties of lithium nitrate:
White, very hygroscopic, melts without decomposition, decomposes on further heating. It is readily soluble in water (without hydrolysis). Oxidizing agent during sintering. In solution recovered only by atomic hydrogen.
Obtaining Lithium nitrate LiNO3:
3 Li + 4 HNO3 (dilute) = 3 LiNO3 + NO ↑ + 2H2O.
LiF + HNO3 (conc.) = LiNO3 + HF ↑.
Li2S + 4 HNO3 (conc.) = 2 LiNO3 + 2NO2 ↑ + S ↓ + 2H2O
Reactions with Lithium nitrate LiNO3:
4 LiNO3 = 2 Li2O + 4 NO2 + O2 (475—650° C).
LiNO3-3H2O = LiNO3 + 3 H2O (200° C, vacuum).
LiNO3 (dilute.) + 4H2O = [Li(H2O)4]+ + NO3- ↑ (pH 7).
LiNO3 + 2 H0 (Zn, conc. HCl) = LiNO2 + H2O.
LiNO3 + Pb = LiNO2 + PbO (400° C)
Properties of lithium orthophosphate:
White, melts without decomposition. Poorly soluble in water, the solubility increases in the presence of ammonia hydrate. Decomposes by acids.
Obtaining lithium orthophosphate:
3 LiCl (conc.) + K3PO4 = Li3PO4 ↓ + 3 KCl.
3 LiCl (conc.) + Na2HPO4 + NaOH = Li3PO4 ↓ + H2O + 3 NaCl
Reactions with lithium orthophosphate:
Li3PO4-12 H2O = Li3PO4 + 12H2O (120° C, vacuum).
Li3PO4 + 2 HCl (conc.) = LiH2PO4 + 2LiCl.
Li3PO4 + H2SO4 (dilute) = 2 Li2HPO4 + Li2SO4
Li3PO4 + 3 H2SO4 (conc.) =3 LiHSO4 + H3PO4.
Li3PO4 + 3 CaCl2 (conc.) = 6 LiCl + Ca3(PO4)2 ↓
Properties of lithium sulfate:
White, melts without decomposition. It is readily soluble in water (hydrolysis does not). Participates in exchange reactions.
Obtaining lithium sulfate:
2 LiH + 2 SO2 = Li2SO4 + H2S (200° C).
Li2S + 2 O2 = Li2SO4 (t> 300° C)
Reactions with lithium sulfate:
Li2SO4-H2O = Li2SO4 + H2O (130—500° C).
Li2SO4 (dilute) + 8H2O = 2[Li(H2O)4]+ + SO42- (pH7).
Li2SO4 + H2SO4 (conc.) = 2 LiHSO4.
Li2SO4 (conc.) + Na2CO3 = Li2CO3 ↓ +Na2SO4.
Li2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 ↓ + 2LiCl.
Li2SO4 + Ba(OH)2 = BaSO4 ↓ + 2 LiOH.
Li2SO4 + Ba(N3)2 = 2 LiN3 + BaSO4 ↓.
Li2SO4 + 4 C (coke) = Li2S + 4 CO (800—900° C).
Li2SO4 + 4 H2 = Li2S + 4 H2O (600—700° C).
Properties of lithium fluoride:
White, melts without decomposition. It is readily soluble in water (hydrolysis does not). Participates in exchange reactions.
Molar mass | g/mol | 25.94 |
Density | g/cm3 | 2.635 |
Melting point | °C | 845.1 |
Boiling point | °C | 1676 |
Obtaining lithium fluoride:
2 Li + E2 = 2LiE (normal temp., E = F, Cl, Br; t> 200° C, E = I).
LiCl (conc.) + NH4F (conc.) = LiF↓ + NH4Cl.
Reactions with lithium fluoride:
LiF (solid) + HF (conc.) = Li(HF2) (solution).
LiF + H2SO4 (conc.) = LiHSO4 + HF ↑.
LiF + HNO3 (conc.) = LiNO3 + HF ↑.
2 LiF + CaO = Li2O + CaF2 (600—700° C).
2 LiF + Ca(OH)2 (saturated solution, hot) = 2 LiOH + CaF2 ↓
Properties of lithium chloride LiCl:
White, deliquescent. Melts and boils without decomposition. Readily soluble in water (hydrolysis does not). Decomposed by concentrated acids. Participates in exchange reactions.
Molar mass | g/mol | 42.39 |
Density | g/cm3 | 2.068 |
Melting point | °C | 610 |
Boiling point | °C | 1380 |
Solubility in water at 25°C | g/100g water | 84.5 |
Obtaining lithium chloride LiCl:
2Li + 2 HCl (dilute) = 2LiCl + H2↑.
2Li + E2 = 2LiE (normal temp., E = F, Cl, Br; t> °C C, E = I).
LiH + HCl (dilute) = LiCl + H2↑ (normal temp.).
LiH + Cl2 = LiCl + HCl (400-450°C).
Li2O + 2HCl (dilute) = 2LiCl + H2O.
LiOH + HCl (dilute) = LiCl + H2O.
Li2CO3 + 2HCl (dilute) = 2LiCl + CO2↑ + H2O.
Li2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4↓ + 2LiCl.
Reactions with lithium chloride LiCl:
LiCl-H2O = LiCl + H2O (t> 98°C).
LiCl (dilute) + 4 H2O = [Li(H2O)4]+ + Cl-.
2LiCl (solid) + H2SO4 (conc.) = Li2SO4 + 2 HCl↑ (boiling).
LiCl + LiHSO4 = Li2SO4 + HCl (450-500°C).
LiCl (conc.) + NH4F(conc.) = LiF↓ + NH4Cl.
LiCl (cold) + AgNO2(saturated) = LiNO2 + AgCl↓.
3LiCl (conc.) + K3PO4 = Li3PO4↓ + 3 KCl.
3LiCl (conc.) + Na2HPO4 + NaOH = Li3PO4↓ + H2O + 3 NaCl.
LiCl (conc.) + 4(NH3-H2O) (conc.) = [Li(NH3)4]Cl + 4 H2O.
2 LiCl (liquid) → Electrolysis → 2Li (on cathode) + Cl2↑(on anode).
2 LiCl + 2H2O → Electrolysis → 2LiOH + H2↑(on cathode + Cl2 (on anode).
2 LiCl (melt)(on Hg-cathode) → Electrolysis → 2Li(on cathode) + Cl2↑(on anode)
Properties of lithium sulfide:
Light yellow, melts without decomposition. Readily soluble in water (hydrolysis of the strong anion). Crystalline hydrates are not. Reductant, in the moist state oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Reacts with acids, non-metals.
Obtaining lithium sulfide Li2S:
2Li + S = Li2S (t>130° C)
2LiH + 2S = Li2S + H2S (300-50°C).
Li2O + H2S = Li2S + H2O (900-1000°C).
Li2SO4 + 4C (coke) = Li2S + 4CO (800-900°C).
Li2SO4 + 4H2 = Li2S + 4H2O (600-700°C).
Reactions with lithium sulfide Li2S:
Li2S (dilute) + 8H2O = 2[Li(H2O)4]+ + S2-
S2- + H2O ↔ HS- + OH-.
Li2S + 2HCl(dilute) = 2LiCl + H2S↑.
Li2S + 3H2SO4(conc.) = 2LiHSO4 + SO2↑ + S↓ + 2H2O.
Li2S + 4HNO3(conc.) = 2LiNO3 + 2NO2↑ + S↓ + 2H2O.
Li2S(cold) + H2S (saturated) = 2LiHS.
Li2S + 2 O2 = Li2SO4 (t>300°C).
2Li2S + 2 H2O (cold) + O2 = S↓ + 4LiOH.
Properties of lithium nitride:
Dark-red, melts under pressure, decomposed under heating. Fully hydrolyzed in water, decomposes by acids.
Obtaining lithium nitride:
6 Li + N2 (moist) = 2 Li3N (normal temp.)
6 Li + N2 = 2 Li3N (200—250° C, р)
3 LiH + N2 = Li3N +NH3 (500—600° C)
Reactions with lithium nitride:
2 Li3N = 6 Li + N2 (300—500° C, vacuum).
Li3N + 4 H2O (cold) = 3 LiOH + NH3-H2O.
Li3N + 4 HCl (dilute) = 3 LiCl + NH4Cl.
Li3N + 3 H2 = 3 LiH + NH3 (300° C, impurity Li2NH)
Properties of lithium amide:
White, melts without decomposition, decomposes on further heating. Completely hydrolysed by water. Reacts with acids.
Obtaining lithium amide:
2 Li + 2 NH3 = 2 LiNH2 + H2 (220° C)
LiH + NH3 = LiNH2 + H2 (350° C).
LiH + NH3 (liquid) = LiNH2 ↓ + H2 ↑ (- 40° C).
Reactions with lithium amide:
2 LiNH2 = Li2NH + NH3 (400—500° C).
LiNH2 + 2 H2O (cold) = LiOH + NH3-H2O.
LiNH2 + 2 HCl (dilute) = LiCl + NH4Cl
Properties of lithium imide Li2NH:
White, decomposes when heated. Completely hydrolyzed in water. Reacts with acids and hydrogen.
Obtaining lithium imide Li2NH:
2 Li + NH3 = Li2NH + H2 (400° С)
2 LiNH2 = Li2NH + NH3 (400—500° C)
Reactions with lithium imide LI2NH:
3 Li2NH = 2Li3N + NH3 (t>500° С).
Li2NH + ЗН2О (cold) = 2LiOH + NH3-Н2О.
Li2NH + НСl (dilute) = LiCl + NH4Cl.
Li2NH + H2 = LiNH2 + LiH (250—350° C).
White, light and melts without decomposition, decomposes on further heating. A strong reducing agent, reacts with water, acids, non-metals, oxides of nonmetals.
Obtaining lithium hydride LiH:
2 Li + H2 = 2 LiH (500-700° C).
Li3N + 3H2 = 3 LiH + NH3 (300° C, impurity Li2NH).
Reactions lithium hydride LiH:
2 Li + H2 = 2 LiH (500-700° C).
Li3N + 3 H2 = 3 LiH + NH3 (300° C, impurity Li2NH).
2 LiH = 2Li + H2 (450° C).
LiH + H2O = LiOH + H2↑.
LiH + HCl (dilute) = LiCl + H2↑ (normal temp.).
2 LiH + O2 = 2 LiOH (t> 500° C).
LiH + Cl2 = LiCl + HCl (400-450° C).
2 LiH + 2S = Li2S + H2S (300—350° C).
3 LiH + N2 = Li3N +NH3 (500—600° C).
2 LiH + 4C (graphite) = Li2C2 + C2H2 (400° C).
2 LiH + 2SO2 = Li2SO4 + H2S (200° C).
LiH + CO2 = Li(HCOO) [250° C, р].
4 LiH + 3SiO2 = 2Li2SiO3 + Si + 2H2 (500° C).
LiH + NH3 = LiNH2 + H2 (350° C).
LiH + NH3(liquid) = LiNH2↓ + H2↑ (- 40° C).
4 LiH + AlCl3 = Li[AlH4] + 3LiCl↓ (in ether).
2 LiH (liquid) → Electrolysis → 2Li(on cathode) + H2↑(on anode).
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